Trash bags
"Trash bag! Trash bag!" -- Dwight Schultz (as Capt. H.M. "Howling Mad" Murdock)
Apologies for the above quote, but it is one of those TV images from my teenage years that is indelibly burned into my memory. For anyone that cares, it was from one of Murdock's schemes to escape from the mental hospital on an A-Team episode (IIRC, he constructed a parachute from the trash bags and leaped out of a window on an upper floor).
Being the official trash-taker-outer at our house, it has always annoyed me that the box of trash bags is situated under the kitchen sink while the trashcan itself is some 8-10 feet away at the end of the cabinet. About a year ago, it occurred to me that I could reduce trips between the two loci by stashing a few spare trash bags at the bottom of the trash can before putting the new bag in. Over time, the number of spare trash bags has grown until I now routinely place the entire roll of 50(-ish) trash bags there as soon as we start a new box of trash bags.
It occurred to me a couple months ago that someone should just make a box of trash bags that fits in the bottom of a standard 13-gallon kitchen trash can. It would be so nice to just reach down and pull up the next bag after taking out the previous full bag. If some clever inventor wants to score a few bonus points, the last bag in the box should dispense in such a way that the empty box ends up inside the bag.
So if you know anyone that works at Glad or Hefty, please tell them to pick up the phone and call Rubbermaid or Sterilite, work out an acceptable set of dimensions and make my life a little bit simpler.!